Technology and our religion in today’s generation

How does technology affect our religious practices and church community in today's generation?
Does technology useful or unessential when its come to religious point of view?

How does technology affect our religious practices and church community in today's generation?
Does technology useful or unessential when its come to religious point of view?
Now a days today’s youth are using freedom to think or share about anything and they can access it their knowledge everywhere. The world is steadily in ongoing and the main reason is technology. You can get religious information on the Internet by sitting in a room. Prayer of the church when you're on the Internet.
Religion does not create the technology to meet disability. Even internet offering to Bible studies, formal worship services, religious socialization.
Religious fundamentalism is a narrow thinking of our mind. We need to come out from it to develop us. Technology helping us to know about every religion in our generation.
So at the point of view in religious, technology is so important and very helpful for our religious activities.
Technology does help at some point in various religious practices. One good example is the church service that every Catholic is doing every Sunday. Each Sunday, it has been a practice and actually our duty to go to mass. But we all know that not all people go to church even if they are not doing anything.
Sometimes the reason why they don’t go to church is because it’s their only rest day after a whole week’s tiresome work. There are also some that are non-practicing. Meaning, they are still Christians or Catholics, they believe God, they follow His rules, but they just don’t want to practice going to church.
With the advancement of technology, this bad habit can be improved. Even if they still don’t want to go to church, it’s the church that will go to them. This is possible because different TV stations nowadays are taping TV masses and showing it on TV on Sundays. It’s a good way of reaching out to people that doesn’t have time to go to church on Sundays.
Though it’s still good to attend Sunday masses, you can also do it right in the comfort of your own home in front of the TV.