Asked By
20 points
Posted on - 10/08/2011
I. How can i make my computer secure from the threats? and what are viruses adware& spywares. how they effect computer and what are the ways to keep safe our computers.
II. which is best software to use to view home movies?howdo i download home movies that I took with my i-phone onto my computer, not to you-tube?
Shoaib Siddiqui
Answered By
0 points
Technology & computer related questions
Hello Shoaib,
Now a days even if you are having a good spec's of PC still you wont be vulnerable of various virus as they are spreading randomly. You need to update you antivirus i would suggest a user friendly antivirus use Eset Nod32 and keep it up to date. Once a virus found he can auto delete it but be sure update it daily or weekly as viruses also update and it might be known by your antivirus and get passed by then by damaging your private files.
You can download freely free movies just be sure to scan after you download that file it may attached by a virus or something that minor affect your files. Those viruses can affect your PC with random things like minor it may affect your files from working, damage files and cant even work an application and the worst thing is it may result to damage your OS and some random output like damaging your hardware.
So better visit a website that is commonly safe and keep up to date your antivirus. If you are going to copy a movie from iPhone try to use a usb connector and vice versa from PC to iphone.
Answered By
0 points
Technology & computer related questions
Keeping safe of virus, malware, trojan and adaware infections is simply just have a daily updated virus definition antivirus applications. You will be safe also if you care for your computer. Avoid inserting USB drives without scanning it from virus infection.
Virus and the like are both computer programs that was compiled for so many reasons. Some say for protection and some ways for destruction.
Just download XVid for multi-support of movie formats. You can use then the media player classic of your windows. Use iTunes to download movies you have taken from your iPhone. Off course you need a USB cable to connect your iPhone to your computer.