Tell me best mp3 library manager 2011 ID tag software?

Does anybody know good and free software for editing and managing ID tags for mp3 files and libraries? Any kind of help would be appreciated.

Does anybody know good and free software for editing and managing ID tags for mp3 files and libraries? Any kind of help would be appreciated.
Hello Peter,
There are many tag software but some of the best are the following:
TagScanner – This software supports basic tags for instance artist, album, title, track, year as well as genre, and it has got extended tags that include composer, grouping, beats per minute and so forth. The lyrics usually appear below the album cover.
The MP3Tag – In case you like to have a user interface that has got a normal windows menu then this is the tag software you should use. It has got the advantage of a simple as well as a clean design that has got a powerful but easy-to-use tool to edit tags of MP3 files.