Teraterm collector not working properly
Is there a way to check if the tera term collector or tabs have been properly installed? I can't locate the "Collector". Please help ASAP.
Is there a way to check if the tera term collector or tabs have been properly installed? I can't locate the "Collector". Please help ASAP.
Any software can be checked whether it is installed or not by checking the list of installed programs in the control panel. If you do not find the program in the list then it was not installed. Sometimes, the program will be installed on the system but all the files may not be loaded onto your system. Follow the steps below to check whether it is installed or not:
1. Go to control panel on your computer. Open the uninstall a program window; you will see the list of installed programs on your computer.
2. Search for the program and see whether it is in the list or not. If you do not find it in the list then it was not installed on your system and you need to install it.
3. If you find the program in the list but it is not working properly then perform a reinstall of the program.
Before installing Tera Term, make sure you meet all the requirements of the version you are installing. If you installed the old version, it will be better if you download the latest version, Tera Term 4.83. It supports Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows 7. I don’t know what happened to Windows XP and Windows Vista it seems they are not supported though Windows 7 is supported.
The Collector is a standalone program included in Tera Term. If you don’t see it in Tera Term or you cannot find it, maybe you installed it incorrectly or you forgot to include Collector when you installed Tera Term. Supposedly, when installing Tera Term, there is an option that you need to check so that Collector is included in the installation.
When installing Tera Term, check Collector to install Collector with Tera Term. After the installation, choose Run Collector or start it in the Start menu. Setup Tera Term the way you like it and then save it. You can right-click on the tab bar for more available options.