The best server to private network Exchange 2003 ISO download

What is Exchange server? Exchange 2003 ISO download from which source? Where to get the Exchange 2003 ISO? How the Exchange serve works?

What is Exchange server? Exchange 2003 ISO download from which source? Where to get the Exchange 2003 ISO? How the Exchange serve works?
Exchange server is something which is specially designed for the Windows operating systems and runs exclusively on Windows based systems. Exchange server is a mail server. It uses some different types of protocols to make it work. It keeps the active directories of the clients connected to its network and then tries to send and receive and sort of information, etc.
Has we have discussed above the mail server uses some sort of protocols for its functionalities they are like: IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and many others accordingly to the usage and the type of information to be transferred in the network.
There has been an evolution in the Exchange servers:
a) Exchange Server 4.0 (1996)
b) Exchange Server 5.0
c) Exchange Server 2000
d) Exchange Server 2003
e) Exchange Server 2007
f) Exchange Server 2010
g) Exchange Server 2013
h) Exchange Server 2016
Has we can see there is an evolution in the Exchange server. There are serval changes made in the each new server model.
But for our detail, we are giving priority to know about the Exchange server 2003
Exchange server 2003 has been the best server to work with before the evolution of the further models with more advanced technology.
So where do we get to download these Windows/Microsoft servers?
Well here is the link from where you can download any server which you want to Link
After downloading the ISO file convert the ISO Image file into bootable form and then boot the system and then start using it.