The Disadvantage You Face With Windows Eight

I was thinking of installing Windows 8 on my computer. Meanwhile, I was wondering about the problems that Windows 8 might have. So, what are the issues that Windows 8 has?

I was thinking of installing Windows 8 on my computer. Meanwhile, I was wondering about the problems that Windows 8 might have. So, what are the issues that Windows 8 has?
Few of the most common recurring problem that Windows eight has been;
i) The Window explorer has stopped working. The issue is generally seen to have arrived from the hardware of installed software.
ii) Another such problem is Windows can’t go to sleep. While putting windows to sleep saves energy bills, which sometimes is refused by the OS.
iii) The explorer appears blank when you switch on your computer. Which may be due to the erroneous local value in the registry.
iv)Â Activation is required to verify your version. Many of the users have experienced difficulties when upgrading from Windows seven.
These are some of the most reoccurring issues that you can face.