The Policy Of Microsoft Registry Cleaner For Utilities

Hey. Can someone fill me up with the Microsoft Registry Cleaner for utilities? What is the policy of the same? A non-technical approach would be appreciated.

Hey. Can someone fill me up with the Microsoft Registry Cleaner for utilities? What is the policy of the same? A non-technical approach would be appreciated.
Hello. There is no specified Microsoft Registry Cleaner. Microsoft warns against using cleaners for utilities. There are greater risks involved in such 3rd party use of cleaners than the risk involved in the unused registry present. Though these cleaners are widely used it is advised against using them.
Below is a screenshot which supports the above claim.
If you want to install a registry cleaner on your computer, try PC Tools Performance Toolkit. It supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.x. Windows 10 is not supported. Follow the instructions to download and unpack and then install it. This is the latest and last version of PC Tools before the company was acquired by Symantec and then later on dissolved.
Once installed, start PC Tools then go to “Performance” tab and select “Clean Your Registry.” This is the registry cleaner of PC Tools.
To fix everything in your registry, select “Complete Registry Scan” on the next screen then click “Start Scan.” It will scan the Windows registry for inconsistencies. Once the scan is complete, just click “Repair” to remove inconsistencies and clean your registry. To further improve the performance of the registry, in the “Performance” tab, click “Compact Your Registry” to defrag the Windows registry.