The Value Of Paint Shop Pro Photo XI And Its Brief

Hey. Notify the price for the Paint Shop Pro Photo XI and also mentioned the same in brief as well as a reference. Thanks for solving and reply ASAP.

Hey. Notify the price for the Paint Shop Pro Photo XI and also mentioned the same in brief as well as a reference. Thanks for solving and reply ASAP.
Hello, the Paint Shop Pro Photo XI is present for Rs 3500 approx. And can be bought over the online portals such as Amazon etc. also it a complete photo tool system used to click the photos also automatically. Can also make the editing’s as well for more than a hundred effects added with it as well. Have many features for both the beginners and the experts as well. It’s all in all a complete package for the editing if needed the most by you.
Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI contains a unique set of photo tools that will surely satisfy even the most discerning photographer. It includes a built-in “Learning Center” that will help first time users get started. The application was originally called “Paint Shop” and the initial version, 1.0, was just a basic photo converter between PCX, BMP, and GIF formats released in August 1990 by Robert Voit.
From 2006 until 2011 with versions XI to X3, the program was marketed as “Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo”. In PaintShop Pro X4, the “Photo” part of the name was dropped. Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI supports Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows XP Service Pack 2, and Windows Vista.
It requires at least 500 MHz or faster processor, 256 MB RAM, 500 MB hard drive space, 1024 x 768 16-bit or higher screen resolution, and Microsoft DirectX 9-compatible video card. With Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI, you can download photos and video clips from the camera to the computer with ease.