The Windows Update 8001b100 Error

How do I download a file in Windows 7? Am I unable to install? Why is this error arising? What does it indicate? The error message reads Windows update 8001b0100?

How do I download a file in Windows 7? Am I unable to install? Why is this error arising? What does it indicate? The error message reads Windows update 8001b0100?
The Windows update 8001b0100 error is an error which alerts you to update your Windows. The file is unable to download because that is installed may not be registered correctly in Windows update. You can rectify it by the “system update readiness tool” can correct error s that are not letting the file get a download. You need to find out which Windows you are using.
Then go to system update Readiness tool webpage, go to the Advance section. Find the latest version of Windows and system type of the computer you have then click on the link and download it. Run the tool and Re-run Windows update again. It takes time to get installed for some it might even take 15 minutes, and in some, it can get stuck in 60%, but it is still running. Do not cancel it.