How can I update BIOS?

How can I update bios of a motherboard? Is there any effect of bios updating on system performance?

How can I update bios of a motherboard? Is there any effect of bios updating on system performance?
Hi Siam999,
You can update the BIOS of your motherboard as below mentioned.
In the very first beginning, you need to confirm whether your motherboard BIOS can be updated, in some old motherboards (like old P4 boards) they don't allow you to update BIOS.
First you need to identify the correct BIOS version of your motherboard. Then you need to download the newer version of BIOS from your MOTHERBOARD Manufacturer's web site. That's the most important thing. Don't download BIOS update files from 3rd party websites. Check your motherboard manufacturer website for more.
You can update your BIOS via other software, normally you can find that software from motherboard driver CD. During update don't plug off your computer due to any reason. If your BIOS update process failed your computer will become useless because you can't do anything without a BIOS. So be very careful with the process.
Updating bios will may increase your system performance, it will depend on your motherboard features. Some update features like over clocking setting, bus speed control options, quick boot option…etc. Will boost up your system.
Yes you can update your current BIOS version to a new update version. Boot from USB is not an option for all BIOS versions. If you do not have this option then you can update your BIOS version to a new Version. It will give you the option to boot from USB. Follow these steps.
1. First identify your current BIOS version which you have.
2. Find your computer’s manufacture company name.
3. Find your motherboard model number and serial number.
4. Then go to your computer’s manufacture company website for update.
5. Here just read the include documentation.
6. Now follow its process to update BIOS.
There are many effects for BIOS updates. You will find many new options and updates in BIOS menu items. And your BIOS will be more squired and more reliable for you. It will help you to manage more new hardware for interface with your computer. It will help you to keep your Computer safe.
BIOS itself is a program. And programs have bugs. There is no single program out there that doesn't have bugs. Updating BIOS help your computer to run more efficiently. This is the program who controls the configuration of all the devices attached to your computer. If you frequently upgrade the devices attached to your computer and your computer has a very late version of the BIOS, it would not recognize the latest devices you are going to add.
For example, if your BIOS is currently supporting USB 1.0 or USB 1.1 (also called USB 1.x) then you attached a USB 2.0 (also known as USB Hi-Speed), your BIOS would not be able to recognize the new device attached to it. You would not be able to use it if it does not recognize it. The current version of BIOS does not have the program to support the device. This is when you need to update the BIOS' version.
If on the other hand you did not find any update for the BIOS, then having a new motherboard would be much better.
No! BIOS do not affect the OS. Only if you the upgrade was not completed properly because it can stop the machine from loading any OS. If you have Linux, Windows and Backtrack installed on your computer and it would not affect any of those operating systems even if you did an update so do not worry.