Asked By
James Belt
0 points
Posted on - 06/09/2012
Is there any integrated backup management from Quest? What kind of backup management system available in market ? What are the features of these backup management system? Can we use it for our local desktops.
Answered By
0 points
Is there any integrated backup management from Quest?
Yes, it's the NetVault XA (Extended Architechure) and this will be available later this year. This will help the Administrators to define service levels and manage features such as data deduplication. This will provide a common interface for all Quest data protection applications. This also supports, the vRanger for VMware, LiteSpeed for SQL server and the Oracle database backup. Good thing with NetVault XA is you can manage dedupe, your cloud gateways, a common scheduler, a catalog, a policy manager and your reporting engine across applications.