Is there any internet browser cleaner for Linux

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


I am a new user to Linux.

Can any one tell me if there is any internet Bowser cleaner for Linux.

Please also help me how to use it.


Best Answer by Raun Nelson
Answered By 0 points N/A #150682

Is there any internet browser cleaner for Linux


Here is some Linux internet browser cleaner software list.

1. NVT internet privacy cleaner.

2. Real time cleaner.

3. Browser history cleaner.

4. Register cleaner Optimizer.

5. Portable software for clean browsing history. You can simply download from this link

You can also download software from here

Answered By 5 points N/A #150684

Is there any internet browser cleaner for Linux


Hi Alisa,

You can find lots of options at the link below to clean up your browser on your Linux system.

Variety of options like protecting your internet privacy, permanently deleting your internet history from registry, cleaning up our disk, traces of your internet history surfing privacy are available.

You can also get system optimization to increase your CPU speed while using some software’s.

Hope it helps.



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #150683

Is there any internet browser cleaner for Linux



Yes there are so many internet browser cleaners are available for Linux.
So you can use Bleach Bit cleaner software in which you can free your cache, delete cookies, clear all internet history, shared temporary files, delete logs and more, now its usage is very easy first you download that software and mentioned are points below:
1. Go to files option it will give an option which file history you want to remove so read that instruction and use that software easily.
Raun Nelson

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