Is there any Linux software that converts m4v files to mpeg files?

I have a problem on m4v files, I need to convert first to MPEG file before I can use it.
Can you give me Linux software that converts m4v to MPEG.

I have a problem on m4v files, I need to convert first to MPEG file before I can use it.
Can you give me Linux software that converts m4v to MPEG.
Hello Hargrave,Â
I would recommend Format factory if you are using windows and would recommend hand-brake if you are using a Linux. The hand-brake is an open-source, multithreaded video trains coder which converts videos from one format to another. It can convert/transcode almost all media files to any format.
I hope you are using Linux operating system. So here are my suggestions for you, FFmpeg is a simple application that allows Linux users to convert video files between a variety of different formats. FFmpeg is an open-source video converter, supports standard codec and can convert from one file format to another very quickly.
You can get download FFmpeg from the site.
After you download the file, extract it using the following command:
tar -zxf ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1.tar.gz
This will create a new directory containing source code for FFmpeg. To install it, run./Configure from within FFmpeg directory. After configuring a script, compile it using "make". Once the compiling is done without any errors, you can install FFmpeg by running "make install" as root.
You can check for codecs or formats that FFmpeg supports by running the command:
ffmpeg –formats
For converting a file format you can issue the command like:
ffmpeg -I InputFile OutputFile
For example:
ffmpeg -I InputFile.m4v OutputFile.mpg
Hello Lawrence,
To convert from m4v to MPEG I advise to use the apple to convert "M4V2MPG Free convert".
It converts professionally you can find all the qualities needed in a converter; fast high-qualified.
This program is for free.
Try now I hope you will like it as I like it.