Asked By
Dana Robins
40 points
Posted on - 08/13/2012
I have some high resolution files (88.2 kHz/24 bit, say) and I can play these through iTunes and my home stereo system without any problem. But I can't sync them to my iPhone.
How can I create a different standard resolution (44.1 kHz/ 16 bit) copy of those files for my iPhone device?
Is there any way to convert between file formats in iTunes?
The following steps should help you convert between file formats in iTunes:
1. You will need to open iTunes Preferences as follows:
For Windows: You will choose Edit and then Preferences.
For Mac: You will choose iTunes and then Preferences.
2. After that you will need to click the General button, and after that you will click the Importing Settings button in the second section of the window.
3. Go to the Import Using pop-up menu and then select the encoding format that you wish to convert the song to, and then click OK to save the settings.
4. Lastly you will choose one or more songs from the library, and then go to the Advanced menu and select one of the following:
Create MP3 version
Create AAC version
Create AIFF version
Create WAV version
Create Apple Lossless version