Hi techyv,
Is there an audio and video web storage? We are handling big companies and doing some online and offline jobs. I would like to know if there are some software that can store big files such as audio and video online. That will possibly serve as online web storage; I need a reliable and secured website.
Hoping for your help. Thanks.
Is there an audio and video web storage?
You can store your any type of files by using the Cloud Storage Mechanism.
This is a data storage which is stored online by using networks by independent parties who doesn’t have any ownership   to these data. They just provide they provide their storage capacity to the people who need to store their data online at a payment.
People who use this option have access to their stored data any time they want.
This is very cost effective method compared to having your own physical storages & in a way very secure.
Following are few of cloud storage providers.
Rackspace Cloud Files
Softlayer Cloudlayer Storage
Windows Auzur Storage