Is there a drop in prices of computers

Is there a drop in prices of computers i.e. laptops and PCs at many of retailers recently? Will laptops drop their prices more and what time period this is happened to be?

Is there a drop in prices of computers i.e. laptops and PCs at many of retailers recently? Will laptops drop their prices more and what time period this is happened to be?
I guess so; there is a reduction of prices in computer and computer accessories at many retailer shops lately and especially the laptops and the desktop computers. The main reason behind this is because there are many laptops and desktop PCs in the market right now and the manufacturers want them to get sold. And also the stiff competition between various manufacturers like HP and DELL is the cause to this. New models of computers with improved features are released into the market everyday and therefore making computers and computer accessories that were better yesterday to be less marketable, and the only way to get them sold is by price reduction.
-Richard Gabriel
Hello Bashar, the issue on prices of computers in terms of low pricing doesn’t entail any date. Computer businesses are updating from time to time to suit the needs of the consumers. The latest version compromises of high prices with up-to-the-minute condition. However, the old versions have also the condition a consumer needs but the memory or specs are different. Laptops or any gadgets will lower the price down depending on how old it has been out from the market and the need for it sold. You can find a lot of retailers from small to big ones anywhere the key is to examine on what you require for a computer.