I am looking for eclipse 4 oxygen theme gtk version. I could not find it in the web. Is there eclipse 4 oxygen theme version available? if yes where can I get it? I need this for WordPress.
Thank You.
Is there eclipse 4 oxygen theme version available?
Hi Toby, Yes, there is, I will give you some links,
1. http://www.eclipse.org/.
2. http://hugo-kde.blogspot.in/2010/11/oxygen-gtk.html
The 2nd link I give you is about Oxygen + Gtk. there are 66 comments also that might help you. Just read them.
Oxygen GTK is a port of the default KDE widget theme(oxygen), to gtk. And to ensure visual consistency between the gtk and qt-based applications using kde. And also to have a stand- alone good looking gtk theme that behaved well on other Desktop Environment.
Hope this helps.