Hello experts,
Is there a free download for macro sniper configuration? How to download and install the application? I want a safe downloading and installation process to prevent malicious ware to enter the computer system. Additional information, I am using Windows XP operating system.
Thank you.
Is there a free download for macro sniper configuration?
Macro sniper configuration can be downloaded for free on the internet. There are many web hosting services through which you can download the configuration. It is compatible with Windows Xp and Vista. As you said that you have a Windows XP operating system you should not have any problem with it. To install it correctly follow the steps below:
1. Go to https://www.google.com/chrome/?brand=CHBD&ds_kid=43700010858045731&gclid=CjwKCAiA5OrTBRBlEiwAXXhT6PesbST6uI-2VteLemVXQWj1Vkc_IqyHshHDgB6a4WHp4D-fdi8qkhoCD3gQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CIXqrJeqlNkCFYVgKwodCFoPbQ and download the configuration file. You will find two servers on the website, you can choose any one of them. See the screenshot below:
2. Save the setup file on the desktop of your computer. After downloading, run the setup file and install the configuration file.
3. Now, restart your computer for the effects to take place.
4. Go to Program Files and locate the folder of the configuration file.
5. In the folder, right click on the exe file and click create shortcut. Select the location as the desktop and click ok.
Now, you can run it from the desktop.