No recovery policy is the main error now. I have this error since yesterday and I was hopping maybe it will disappear because I don’t know how to solve this one. Can you help me to fix this error? Please tell me what is causing it and what recovery is talking about?
Thank you!
There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system. (0x1773)
There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system. (0x1773)
This problem with the “no recovery policy” error doesn’t really have a solid solution. It can be a problem in the hardware or a modification to the system caused it. The closest possible solution you can try is to create a new encryption certificate for Microsoft Windows 7 since the issue is associated with encryption.
To begin, open Control Panel then go to User Accounts. On the left panel, click “Manage your file encryption certificates”. See image.
In Encrypting File System screen, click Next. See image.
On the next screen, select “Create a new certificate” and then click Next. See image.
From the available options, select the type of certificate you want to create. See image.
Finally, select “Back up the certificate and key now”. In “Backup location”, click Browse and select the folder or the USB flash drive where you want to save the backup. Enter the password and then click Next. See image.
And that’s it.