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0 points
Posted on - 08/24/2011
I have just installed Corel Draw 5.0, and i am experiencing a problem while loading
the program, it stops showing a message "fail to load appboxid.xml.
The setup is compatible with my computer's specification.
I have Pentium IV 2.8GHz,512RAM, Windows Xp Professional(SP3).
Looking for an expert solution.
There is a problem with Corel Draw
Basically what happens that sometimes there are some of the viruses comes from the internet and those are directly affected on the files of our software and we don’t know about that and then in the run time there is given an error like this.
So my friend this type of error only comes when there is any of the corrupted file.
So do check that one with anti-virus and also if required then you can install again that coral draw it surely works.
There is a problem with Corel Draw
Your program Corel Draw 5.0 failed to load a file named appboxid.xml. Although you completed the installation without experiencing any error, maybe there is a corrupted file in the installation files that was copied to your computer or maybe the file is really missing. That’s why it can not load it.
Try if you still can find other installer for Corel Draw 5.0 to remedy the error about the xml file. You may also check the location of the appboxid.xml file if it is really in the Corel Draw’s folder. You may also want to check Corel’s website for new version releases.