Is There a Sample of Wireless Projects for Mobile?

I'm making a thesis using wireless connection for my course. I'd like to ask if you can give me a sample of wireless projects done for mobile phones before so that I can see if I can create it too.

I'm making a thesis using wireless connection for my course. I'd like to ask if you can give me a sample of wireless projects done for mobile phones before so that I can see if I can create it too.
There are many projects available about wireless mobile phones and the one i want to give you an example from is about charging mobile phones using microwave signal.
The main objective of the project was to show how you can charge your phone through wireless , independent of the normal way we charge phones as recharging mobile phones at times is a problem for us.
In the microwave signal technology your mobile phone charges automatically as you use your phone during talk time. How it works is that as you talk, the microwave signal is transmitted together with the message signal from the transmitter using antennas called slotted wave guide antenna. The frequency should be 2.45 GHz .
The mobile phone will then be fitted with sensor to receive and detect the signal & a filter to separate the microwave signal from the message signal. With that the project goal and objective would be fulfilled.
Hope my example will be of help to you.