There was a problem verifying the certificate from the server

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -



I tried to log on OCS and received an error message. It says, "There was a problem verifying the certificate from the server. Please contact your system administrator". I have valid certificate for OCS on my machine. Have you any idea? How can I solve this problem?

Please help.

Answered By 0 points N/A #132702

There was a problem verifying the certificate from the server


There was a problem verifying the certificate from the server. Please contact your system administrator if you get this error then it shows that in ocs user are authenticated with AD and if the machine is in domain it will automatically accept you and if it is out of domain it will not going to authenticate you so you cant do login right now Solution is that install domain certificate in trusted root like if you have not created   certificate then install that certificate in the machine which is not in AD in the trusted root folder. NOW try to login the communicator >>and if any error occur in logging the communicator and enable file tracing in the registry and try to debug hope so it will help you.

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