Is there a way I can debug and see three files?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Is there a way I can debug and see my three files at the same time? The XML file as I want to see the output on the screen and I don’t want to switch in between the buttons. Kindly help as I want to debug and see all my three files on the screen at once. 

Best Answer by JENNIFER ROTH
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #107571

Is there a way I can debug and see three files?


Of course this can be completed via specially commanding free tool known as” DebugView”

DebugView commanding free tool

This tool can be downloaded from:

You can even detain kernel-mode and/or Win32 debug output from every computer reachable via TCP/IP – even all over the Internet. At the same time you can watch many remote computers.

Answered By 15 points N/A #107572

Is there a way I can debug and see three files?


I do not think that will be possible to absolutely view all the three files which are in different formats in the same window. By the way which application is using to edit the files? It is Dreamweaver? If it is then you will need to note that when using it and you click to open another file, the file that you opened latest will be the one that will occupy the editing space in the Dreamweaver window, and therefore you can only be able to edit one file at a time. Unless you are able to open the different files, the XML one and the others in different tabs in the same Dreamweaver window, then it will be hard for you to open all  of them in the same window.

-Clair Charles


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