Threats in opening e-mails from unknown senders
It is not that dangerous that your computer will get infected immediately after opening a malicious email.
And it also depends on how strong and reliable your antivirus is.
Here are some of the highly reliable antivirus programs:
There are a lots of malicious and unknown email messages that are roaming around. There are those that offer pornographic websites and want you to go and register with them for free. There are those that will inform you that you have just won from a lottery draw and ask you to reply your personal information like your name, address, telephone number, mobile number, credit account number, etc.
There are those that will also inform you of a failed DHL delivery that was supposed to be sent to you and ask you to download the attached file so you can read the details.
Just ignore these types of messages and your computer will be safe. Not unless you gave your personal information or maybe you downloaded the said attachment.
Hello Williams,
For sure your computer can be infected by a virus as a result of opening a malicious mail. That is why you are supposed to have a link scanner to scan every link that you open, every download and every attachment that you open on your computer. Yahoo has a Norton link scanner that scans every files that you want to open in the mail hence keeps your PC from threats of infection of malware that may be as a result of opening attachments.
But you can still install a link scanner for those sites that do have one. AVG antivirus has a link scanner that will scan every sites that you access, and all download and attachments that you open. Some other antiviruses have this feature, so just get one of them and install it on your computer.
Lee Hung