Throws error while sending emails

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


I am using an email client to send my emails.When i try to send emails it throws an error:"could not send your message.error 421.

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 0 points N/A #102689

Throws error while sending emails


error 421 is a SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ) error code. It is temporary error code. It is generated by hMailServer . It is generated when you will try to send a large data to hMailServer that doesn’t contain a newline character. This type of error is also generated if you don’t send your message to  hMailServer within 10 minutes as there is a timeout of 10 minutes that hMailServer waits for your command. If you cross the time limit then you will see this 421 error. In that case you should not resend it rather then you should check your message for the above  two problem.
Hope this'll help you.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #102690

Throws error while sending emails


Here’s the explanation about the error you received. The error should completely read as “Could not send your message. Error 421.” The 3-digit number has actually a meaning and it can be broken down into 3 parts. The first digit 4 means the server is experiencing a temporary failure. If you repeat the command without changing anything, it might be completed.

Mail servers can utilize these temporary failures to limit untrusted senders. The second digit 2 means or refers to the status of the connection. The third and last digit 1 refers to a more specific status of the mail transfer. Looking for error 421 in the list of ESMTP server response codes will mean that the service is not available so the connection will be closed.

If this is the case then there must be something wrong with your mail server and not with your email client since its only job is to send your email. Check with your ISP regarding with your account or just try sending the mail after awhile or the following day perhaps.

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