“Timed Out Waiting For Migration Data” Error And Fix For A Vmachine

While using my virtual machine simulation, the vMotion fails with an error “timed out waiting for migration data,” how to resolve this error?

While using my virtual machine simulation, the vMotion fails with an error “timed out waiting for migration data,” how to resolve this error?
This error comes when the host server is unable to transfer memory pages from it to the destination host in a given default time-period of 120 seconds. It is also known as a timeout situation.
It is fixed by reconfiguring the network settings.
1. Check for the IP address conflicts on the network. Each host network should have its unique IP address.
2. Check for packet loss over the network by having a ping between destination and source over a vMotion network.
3. Check for the security settings of each host and make sure they have the same settings. Different security settings can lead to packet drops.