TinyCore Linux latest version ?

What is latest TinyCore Linux version available ? Where can I download this ? What features they have included compared to previous version of TinyCore ?

What is latest TinyCore Linux version available ? Where can I download this ? What features they have included compared to previous version of TinyCore ?
The latest version of Tiny Core Linux is 4.5.6 which is available for download in their official site
When it comes to modifications that they have done from previous version to the latest version is they have updated few of the GUI components which will full fill the requirements. The apps like Scmapp , tc-restore was updated.
These are the few changes that they have performed from the older version to the latest version. Please let me know if you need any more information about Tiny Core. This is the smallest sized Linux which has almost all the features which can be used for daily basis.
TCL or Tiny Core Linux is the smallest Linux operating system. It was developed by Robert Shingledecker which is aimed at providing a base system by means of FLTK and BusyBox. The distribution is remarkable because of its size which is only around 15 MB. Extensions provide additional functionality to the operating system. Tiny Core Linux is a free and open source software.
If you want to try it, visit Tiny Core Linux. The download is available in three versions: Core [9 MB], TinyCore [15 MB], and CorePlus [72 MB]. Before you install Tiny Core Linux, don’t forget to backup everything in your computer. It will also help if you’ll read the Frugal Installation Steps for Tiny Core Linux to better understand if there is danger in the process.
For new users who want to venture on the capabilities of Tiny Core Linux, it is recommended that you select the TinyCore version among the 3 versions. This version contains a dynamic FLTK/FLWM graphical user interface and the base Core system. The Core version or also known as the Micro Core Linux is the smaller variant of Tiny Core that doesn’t have a graphical desktop.