Hello expert, my friend said me titan antivirus is a better virus guard than the others. Please can you give me some details about titan virus scan to scan my PC on online? Last time I have scanned by using care one virus guard. But still my PC is very slow by detecting virus.
Titan antivirus is a better virus guard than the others
Hello there! Finding the best antivirus guard for PC can be confusing because each is unique in its own way, be it at file scanning, resident protection, Help & Support, perf ormance, memory intake and virus updates. Titan Anti Virus offers great security like other software but it is hard to say that it is the best. Many of these programs say that they are number one and even show comparisons with other antivirus software. If you want to find the best antivirus, try Google for comparison charts. For me, the best one that’s free is Avast. It offers many features including web shield that checks the site for malicious scripts. There are many of these software and it is up to you what you want to choose but remember to check all areas to find out which of these suit your needs.