Tomcat server running failed due to use ports.

Asked By 90 points N/A Posted on -

I am encountering a problem on my Tomcat server. When I run it, it keeps throwing an error stating that the port is already in use. I want to know which program is using that specific port and how I can be able to find it with PID No. Is it possible to run Tomcat after modifying the service program?


Answered By points N/A #185608

Tomcat server running failed due to use ports.



Tomcat is a great server solution for Windows. However, your problem isn’t tough to solve. There’re ways that you can identify the process that is using the specific port.

This could be done either from the Command Prompt or by using a good software.

1. Start Command Prompt.

2. Run the following command:
netstat -a -n -o

This will show all the processes and their host address, PID and everything you want.

You can also a software called Process Hacker. Download Process Hacker >> start its main window >> open the “Network” tab. All the applications that are using internet access is listed there with advanced information and features.

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