Top 10 additions in Drupal 8

Top 10 additions in Drupal 8
I have been using Drupal 6 and wanted to know whats added in Drupal 8 to decide if its worth the change
Can i know all changes please

Top 10 additions in Drupal 8
I have been using Drupal 6 and wanted to know whats added in Drupal 8 to decide if its worth the change
Can i know all changes please
Following are the improved features in Drupal 8:
1. Drupal 8 resolves the issue of making configuration exportable when no native support for features. It provides a dual function of export/import from database to code. The Drupal 8 Configuration Management allows developers to take a snapshot of the overall Drupal configuration at a particular time.
2. Developer’s prospective: Drupal 8 has added Symfony2, an object oriented application framework, as part of core, provides benefits like partial page caching, higher performance and efficiency, easier to maintain Drupal Core as custom code is reduced and improved Multilingual support.
3. Drupal 8 introduces Universal Unique IDs (UUIDs), adding uniformity to data structures. This will result in providing unique IDs to each entity which would be tracked while importing and exporting.
4. Web Services prospective: In Drupal 8, Drupal evolves to act as “Restful Interface” during activities such as, communication between Drupal sites (machine to machine communication), multiple Http methods (POST, PUT, GET and DELETE), stateless and caching data through Drupal.
5. Another added feature in Drupal 8 is “Views”. This simplifies the customization from the clients’ perspective. It allows the developer to modify the view.
6. Drupal 8 provides a faster, secure and flexible theming engine, Twig Framework. It allows compiling at PHP code, reducing the disk access.
7. Drupal 8 has improved mobile support through Mobile initiative. The default Stark, Bartik, and Seven themes are more responsive, improving the presentation.
8. Drupal 8 supports inline editing using Spark project. This allows faster content updates directly through AJAX. The video and image development is also expected to improve in Drupal 8.