Top 10 games for the new PS4 console?
What are the Top 10 games for the new PS4 console?
I wanted to know the best games/Cost/experience/Just made for PS4
Please explain in detail
What are the Top 10 games for the new PS4 console?
I wanted to know the best games/Cost/experience/Just made for PS4
Please explain in detail
   At this point it would not be fair to classify any game in the top 10 games list still the experts are working and the official list for the top 10 games will be released soon.
Still the games that are expected to be a part of the list are,
1. Grand Theft Auto 5
2. Assassins Creed 4 Black flag
3. Call of Duty: Ghosts
4. FIFA 14
5. Need for Speed: Rivals
6. War Thunder
7. Kill zone Shadow Fall from Sony
8. Contrast
9. Black-light: Retribution
10. Battlefield 4
Still please check this link before pre ordering any! 🙂
Hope you got a fine answer! 🙂
There is actually no exact survey or something for top 10 games. But according to rating and popularity here is the list you wanted –
10. Thief
9. Final Fantasy
8. Destiny
7. Deep Down
6. Cyberpunk 277
5. Battlefield 4
4. Assassin's creed IV: Black flag
3. InFamous: second son
2. Watch Dogs
1. Gta V
Hope it helps!
Thank you