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Posted on - 01/28/2012
I installed Vidalia for my Tor software. Tor automatically opens when starting Ubuntu. Vidalia will confirm if I have an existing Tor and will connect to Tor control port. But I need to customize the Tor first to be able to allow Vidalia in connecting and start using it. But while doing this, it just quit and stops working. How can I fix this? Can anyone help me?
Vidalia Control Panel
Tor is not running
Unexpected Error
Vidalia detected that the Tor software exited unexpectedly.
Please check the message log for recent warning or error messages.
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Tor Software Quits and Stops Unexpectedly
There is a quick fix for this. Just type the following in the terminal:
sudo killall tor
Restart Vidalia and it should work. However, you need to do this every time you use Tor with Vidalia. For a permanent fix, try the following:
Open the Tor configuration file by typing in the terminal: sudo gedit /etc/tor/torrc
Go to line 53-60. Look for: #ControlPort 9051
Remove the "#" from #ControlPort 9051. The line should just show ControlPort 9051
Look for #HashedControlPassword among the lines and again, remove the #
Create a password for TOR by typing this in the terminal:tor –hash-password yourpassword ( yourpassword should be a password of your choosing )
The terminal will respond by giving you some numbers and letters. Copy the whole string and put it in the configuration file after HashedControlPassword
Save the file and close it. Type in the terminal sudo /etc/init.d/tor restart to restart tor
Once you open vidalia, it should work properly
Hope that all helps!