I have a Acer aspire 5100 laptop I left it for a moment, because I started a copy of a DVD ROMÂ
When I returned I found it blocked and too hot, I rebooted it But when I wanted to use the mouse (touchpad) and keyboard, they didn't work I tried to connect an  another mouse and keyboard using ports, but they also do not work I removed the battery and hard drive and RAM and I returned it but without resultÂ
Can you please help me
Touchpad / keyboard / ports don’t work
Hi Yassine, my dear friend you also do the same mistake which most of the individuals will do and that one is that there is a fan in a laptop and that fan is at the lower part of the laptop and most of the time when we use it we don’t care about that fan and we start running our laptop.
So I want to say that there is a pressure of air from that air pressure fan and there must be a place where that air will expelled out but when you stay away that air doesn’t find any of the surround where it removed out and this cause a damage to the inner chips of the laptop and you face this problems.
So your solution in that you should repair now your ports and chips.
Touchpad / keyboard / ports don’t work
I think here the processor's cooling fan wet down while you are doing something with your DVD-ROM. Maybe you are not aware of the condition of the cooling fan, it’s already wearing down.
If your processor’s temperature gets too hot, it will not work. Wait until it cools down a little bit and then try starting your computer again. But eventually, if the condition of the cooling fan is still like that, your computer will shutdown again.
Replace the cooling fan with a new one. The processor needs to maintain a certain level of temperature to work efficiently that’s why it is always paired with heat zinc and cooling fan to maintain its temperature.