Asked By
John L Krug
10 points
Posted on - 09/18/2013
I am just trying to detect a memory using detector but I am getting the following error message saying “Allocation error reading results from trace context – (mt)”. How can I resolve this annoying error message. Please help me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Trace Error
Allocation error reading results from trace context – (mt)
Trace error: allocation error reading results from trace context
Resolution 1:
Check the trace detector you are using for any bugs. If you have not been able to use successfully before, try doing a reinstallation. Using an alternative detector element will can also help.
Resolution 2:
Make sure that your RAM is properly installed in the slots. If you have a program like CCleaner, run it to see all the memory you have installed on your computer is usable.