How can I trace used customer service website templates by other internet users?
I have free website templates that people can download but I was unable to add a counter or tracker to list down the number of downloads. Right now, I want to trace each of them who got it and see how the template was utilized.
Trace used customer service website templates
What you want to do is to track those users who make use of your website template? Right?
So what I suggest for you is to include some meta tags or hidden html tags that Google can understand or sniffed in, so that when you do a basic search in Google. Those website templates with your hidden tag or meta tags will be easily traced.
Trace used customer service website templates
HI Cunningham,
Google analytics were made for that purpose, to make it easy track all the activities on your website and it's so easy to use!
If you already tried Google Analytics and you don’t like it. You could try using other software like Aweber, AWeber’s tracks any movements on your website. To start using it you just need to follow these steps:
1. Find the downloading link on your website, It'll look like this
<a href=""> Download my Template </a>
2. Replace it with
<a href="" onclick="awt_analytics.record('"> Download My Template </a>
Now, everybody who clicks the downloading link will be recorded on your account History!
To check the downloading History, Start by:
1. Sign into your Aweber Account
2. Click Search. Type it Below "Subscribers" Tab.
3. Go to "Select Field" and Click on "Web Page Visited."
4. Lastly, Type the downloading link that was found on your website
5. And The Final step is Clicking on "Search".
Every activity on your website will be tracked and recorded!
Good luck.