Tracking down your stolen laptop using IP address

I think some body stole my laptop. Is there any way I can track down my stolen laptop? Anyone having idea please help urgently.

I think some body stole my laptop. Is there any way I can track down my stolen laptop? Anyone having idea please help urgently.
There is a slight chance you can get back your stolen laptop, but you should definitely give it a shot. You can track down your laptop using IP address. It’s an easy process but there’s little guarantee. You need Gmail or Dropbox access for tracking down your laptop. On opening the Gmail window, click on details at the lower right- hand corner of the screen. That will give you your current IP address. If the thief has used your computer, then this IP address might be of the thief. You can find out the physical location of the thief using this IP address but you will need inputs from the police for this work. And if you are using Dropbox, then go to settings, then security and in the details you will get the IP address. Rest of the procedure will be the same. This is not as easy if the person who has stolen your laptop is well- versed with these facts. Better go to police and file an official complaint.