Tracking satellite software for nokia x6

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

I own a Nokia x6 handset, and I would like to improve on the GPS features that are available on the phone by adding some of my own features such as theft tracking. 

What I am looking for is a free download of tracking satellite software for Nokia x6 models.

What I would like is for someone to provide a link to where I can find this software, if you can help me on this please reply to the post.


Best Answer by Guzman Farlow
Answered By 0 points N/A #142053

Tracking satellite software for nokia x6


What you need is a GPS tracking software that is compatible with your phone.

My World GPS Tracker in one such app you use to show you the exact GPS location of your phone on the map.

The app created Location Of also permits you to share where you are with anyone you want.

And the great thing is this app is free!

You can download My World GPS Tracker for your Nokia x6.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #142054

Tracking satellite software for nokia x6


Hi Aubrielilian,

I have read the problem that you are facing trying to improve your GPS on your Nokia X6 phone. You may try the Heyyou GPS tracker.It is helpful such that you would the ability to track your phone if it gets lost or stolen.The program is also designed for remote monitoring of geographical location of GPS or GLONASS devices.

The site ​shows you where you were and where you are at presently.

One unique feature about this app is that,It utilizes the phones camera to take picture of the thief,people cars etc.With this App you can be able to track your callers from where they are calling you from. Once downloaded  usage charges may apply.

You may download from the link › Applications › City guides & maps or you may download from Google play and type Heyyou tracker and enjoy the App and feel safer.

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