Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system

Asked By 130 points N/A Posted on -

I am new to VMware server 2.0.

I downloaded VMware and installed windows XP. I read that the old version of VMware allowed to map a host OS folder that was made visible as a drive letter inside the guest operating system. Is this feature available in version 2.0 ? If so how do i turn it on?

I know you can easily do this with shared folders but i don't want to share folders in the guest operating. The reason is shared folders are susceptible to virus attacks.

Appreciate your help in this regard.

Best Answer by iRandom
Answered By 0 points N/A #89391

Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system


VMware server 2.0 does not directly support mapping a guest OS directory as a drive map.

The best way to share files is by enabling a shared folder….there is no getting out of it!

Answered By 0 points N/A #89392

Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system


IRandom is correct in stating that VMware version 2 does not support mapping a host folder as a guest hard disk.

What you can do however is to use the administrative share to access the folder of the host operating system.

That is from the guest operating system you type the servername, drive letter and then the $ symbol.

It follows the convention of DRIVE LETTER + $.

An example is as follows:

\ server name \ drive letter $

To access the drive C of the host computer you type: \HOSTCOMPUTERC$

To access the drive C of the host computer you type: \HOSTCOMPUTERD$

The Administrative share is created by Windows for inter-process communication. It is recommended to explicitly remove it. But in your case you need it!

Answered By 130 points N/A #89393

Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system


Hi people,

While appreciating your suggestions, i do not want to use the Administrative share.

This is because this administrative share is removed when i use the windows hardening tool.

Is there another way to share files between the host and the guest operating systems?

Please help.

Answered By 0 points N/A #89394

Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system


Use remote desktop to connect to the guest operating system.

That is the simplest i can think of. Since you are using a Windows XP guest operating system, I presume you have the host operating system as Windows as well.

Enable remote assistance in the guest operating system. Then connect to the guest operating system via Remote Desktop.

One of the best Remote Desktop software is the NetSupport Manager 11. To download and install it, you can simply follow this tutorial:

Answered By 130 points N/A #89395

Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system


I used remote desktop to connect to the guest operating system.

But i don't see a method to copy files in between. I double clicked my computer and i only see the drives of the guest operating system. Am i missing something here.

I even tried logging on with an administrative account. Still no luck 🙁

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #89396

Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system


You need to connect resources in remote desktop before making the connection.

By default, Microsoft Remote Desktop does not attach resources such as your host operating systems disks, printers and other devices.

  1. You need to manually tell remote desktop to connect these resources prior to login.
  2. Expand the "options" button and select the "Local Resources" tab.
  3. There will be a "More" button. Click on it.
  4. Select the drives you need to "attach".

These drives will be visible as mapped drives after you connect to the guest operating system.


Answered By 130 points N/A #89397

Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system



Thank you iRandom for guiding me. Your screenshot helped alot!

Now i can see my host computers drives inside the guest operating system. Remote Desktop is cool!

I appreciate your time! You people made my day!


Answered By 0 points N/A #89398

Transfer files between host operating system and the guest operating system


Re-psting the screenshot of the Remote Desktop Settings page for the benefit of others who reads this post !

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