Transparent text in HTML and CSS

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hi! I am working on a small project and making a website. I was trying to add variations in the website by using different font colors. I wanted a transparent color for my text as well but so far I couldn't find any code for transparent color on HTML or CSS. Is there any color code for transparent colors in HTML and CSS and is it possible to make text look possible?

Answered By 0 points N/A #180880

Transparent text in HTML and CSS


Yes there is a possibility to make text transparent in html and css, but it can happen only by using “rgba” If you don’t use “rgba” any other techniques used should make all the other things transparent like borders and background. Here is a css code

#tran {

    color: #000;

    color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);


    font-size: 16pt;

    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;


Answered By 0 points N/A #180879

Transparent text in HTML and CSS


First,you have to set a definite class or id in HTML.Then in your CSS style sheet you have to select the id or class name and set his property as opacity:0.5;the opacity-exact explicate the transparency.The opacity property 1 is not glassy at all,0.5 is half- transparent and 0 is fully transparent.It gives your text a nice glossy look.

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