My phones are Samsung Galaxy S3 and Nokia Lumia 900. Before purchasing I want to try it first and check if I will like it or not. Are there trial versions like 30-day for NBA 2k12 game for mobile phones such as mine? Or at least a website with simulator to check the actual game?
Trial version of NBA 2k12 game for mobile phones?
I’m not sure if what you are asking is possible since it is only available on desktop applications. I am also a game enthusiast and with all the game I have played either on the usual desktop computer or on mobile phones, I haven’t encountered a game yet that offers a free trial period so a user can possibly try it for free before actually purchasing it.
I have already encountered promotional mobile games with my sister’s Samsung Smartphone but this is very different from the trial version you are asking. The promotional version of a mobile game offers only a very limited amount of gaming time. It doesn’t even let you finish the first level or stage and will immediately display and encourage you to buy the full version. It is merely a glance of how the game is played. You can check with the game’s features and bonuses first before you decide to buy it. Visit your online game store where you can purchase a download of NBA 2K12.