Trojan Horse on Mac OS X Again

New Trojan horse on Mac OS X platform has been found. Is it safe for me to update my OS and will it take care of possible threats?

New Trojan horse on Mac OS X platform has been found. Is it safe for me to update my OS and will it take care of possible threats?
A numerous number of malware has been discovered in Mac OS X platform. Several days ago, the CNET broadcasted about the new Trojan threat that even shakes the foundation of Mac. Though from a long time this malicious threat has been discovered to infect Mac PCs, but recently the antivirus companies have highlighted this threat and have been trying to counteract it.
 Apple itself has updated its malware definition for snow leopards and lion system in order to counter this threats allowing them to recognize or targets the Trojan and abolish them.  Earlier this year apple updated it tools to fix the malware threats. To detect the new threats of flashback Trojan which has undermine apples fame, on April 12, it released another java update that is only applicable for OS X lion and Mac OS X v10.6, so users using Mac OS X v10.5 or earlier, should disable java for better protection from flashback Trojan.
So it’s better you update your Mac OS to get better protection from this viruses.