I was counting the incoming rows and saving the count value in a variable upon using Row Count Task in SSIS. I find it hard to figure it out for the task to be the program I wanted since I was stuck up in its editor page for en error shows up.
I already tried changing the properties and options in the task but still the same error is there. Please help.
Trouble encountered in Row count task
Your problem is the easiest task in SSIS. When getting the value of Row Count Task you will also use the Aggregate Task to count the row count value then have it store in a variable.
In the Row Count Task; right click it to view the Advanced Editor page. With that there are 3 tabs available. Select the Input Columns tab and locate the option of Variable, choose the variable you want to hold the count value then close the page.
Combine the Aggregate Task with the Row Count Task by dropping and dragging the first one to the second one. Go to the page of Aggregate Task Editor to select the variable, by then in the down list of function choose count option.
Now, the task is configured it out and will function nicely.