Trouble installing Epson sx 130 fedora 16 core

I'm having trouble installing Epson sx 130 fedora 16 core. I tried using the scanner via gscan2pdf but it doesn't recognize the scanner. Is this a software bug?

I'm having trouble installing Epson sx 130 fedora 16 core. I tried using the scanner via gscan2pdf but it doesn't recognize the scanner. Is this a software bug?
Yes, your software has a bug, so try to follow the steps below: First you have to locate the scanner then sane-find-scanner, cat /proc/bus/USB/devices, /sbin/udevadm info –attribute-walk –name=usblp0.
You should look for the vendor and product ids. Â The root is: Edit /etc/sane.d/epson2.conf and add. #usb <vendor> <product> usb 0x4b8 0x883 [Reboot the scanner]
Next, scan for scanner and as root: scanimage -L device `epson2: libusb: 002:008' is an Epson PID 085C flatbed scanner. As user: scanimage -L. If you get no scanners were identified, check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the sane-find-scanner tool. Â You will also have to read the documentation located in the README text file. Next, fix udev permission rule's root:
Edit /etc/udev/rules. d/10-local. rules and add
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb" ATTRS{idVendor}=="04b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0883", MODE:="0666" SYMLINK+="epson_sx130"
scanimage -L
device `epson2:libusb:002:015' is a Epson PID 085C flatbed scanner
I hope this is helpful.