Asked By
Kent Usher
0 points
Posted on - 09/26/2011

My desktop looks somewhat the same with this image. Now, my problem is that my games are closing to desktop. Can you please tell me what is happening? I mean, what could be the reasons for this? Are there ways to stop this? And is it still possible for me to retrieve them?
Trouble with my desktop and software
The main problem with you is that keeping some many icon or shortcut on your desktop make your ram full and your OS is running very slow. the first thing you have to do is to decrease the shortcut on you desktop and make you OS light. if you have a few shortcut on you desktop you will have to load some of the Code to your Ram and your cache. Now the problem that you have identified that you game are closing to your desktop it will be solve automatically. and you will be able to play games and will again enjoying you games. thanks