Try to know about HTML better

HTML is one of the best steep of the internet race. It’s full meaning is Hyper Text Markup Language. This is a kind of mark up language. It is invented by or who has the inventor declaration is Berners-Lee. In late 1991. Open note-pad from “all program” Accessories then write this “
your name
Then save the file as “first page.html” double click on the file. You will see your first web page that created by your own. Really exciting isn’t it?. So I think you already know that this file need to have .html or .htm extension.
So remember that for more info go to:
A HTML is simply a web page or a file/document saved in the web it should have a title just like any other document in any file. What to take keen interest on is the page title this is what search engines look for make sure it is precise and catchy, catchy here I mean a title that attracts is what will bring search engines to your web page and this means many people will get to read of your writing. In the body also be precise keeping it short and attractive.
Whenever you make a change to your document remember to save then refresh it. You should also know that there are color that are infamous in the net make sure your webpages don't harbor such infamous colors. For anyone who intends to work online it is very important to know more about the HTML and how to get the attention of the search engines.
Hi Jerrypum,
HTML is not a programming language but it is a markup language in the category of the scripting languages and you can use it to create websites. In full it stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTML uses a set of Markup tags to describe web pages as shown in the simple example of a HTML program:
To read more about HTML, please visit the site:
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung.