Asked By
7060 points
Posted on - 03/24/2012
I'm trying to move the files from my iPod classic into iTunes 10 library on windows 7 PC. The method explained on your site (showing hidden files) doesn't work as when I look at my iPod (E drive) there isn't a folder that contains the music that I can see.
Trying to move the files from my ipod classic into itunes
If you screw a problem that you are competent to fix today:
You do not pauperization to restore the iPod (in my covering, a 160 GB Artist with at least 80 GB of punishment on it) to get your penalization "visible" again.
1) If you can scan your iPod in Windows Mortal, hit trustworthy you can see "hidden" files and folders and ascertain the folder [Whatever your iPod propulsion identification]:\iPod_controliTunes. Near iTunes if its country.
2) Site two files: "itunesDB" and "itunesDB.old_mlpmp". The 1st enter is your latest (and now alter) deposit database line, which iTunes needs to mean to cognize what's on your iPod; whilst the 2nd is a duplication of the this database that hopefully is not deprave (because it should be an approval of your sunset prospering sync).
3) Rename "itunesDB" to "itunesDB.old" (or you could straight delete it I imagine) and then rename "itunesDB.old_mlpmp" to "itunesDB". This effectively restores the part of the depository that you had as a blessing but didn't straight pair virtually!
4) Agape iTunes. It should now have your iPod and its listing without recital you that you Possess to reestablish.
Greenback: if you cannot comprehend "itunesDB.old_mlpmp" then this statement won't occupation.
I constitute this whitener at this line:
Hopefully this leave affect for you.