Turning Offline to other users

I have accepted a friend but I no longer wanted to converse to him, how could I stop him from knowing that I’m online to stop him from talking to me?

I have accepted a friend but I no longer wanted to converse to him, how could I stop him from knowing that I’m online to stop him from talking to me?
You can do that easily you first open your Chat/IM then right click on the person name in your chat list and then you will find options click on Block then you will receive a message saying “ After blocking [email protected] , you won’t be able talk to this person until you remove them from your blocked list in settings.
You will always appear as offline on their contact list. ” By this way you can stop him sending messages to you.
Hello Charmaine,
It would have been more easy to answer if you had mentioned the name of IM software you are using but more or less same procedure apply to most of them. If you have accepted someone already, you can adopt different ways to prevent him from talking to you. If you do not intend to block him permanently, you can set your status to busy. It is a common courtesy not to bother people with busy status.
If that does not prevent him from bothering you, you can set an invisible status to hide from that person. As a last step you can block him. It would stop him from knowing that you are online. If you don't intend to ever talk to him, you can block and delete him from the list of your contacts.
I hope that was helpful.
Hi Charmaine,
What IM are you using?
Hope these help.
I can finally be offline in yahoo messenger.
I just follower your steps, Xalopez. I found Stealth Setting and chose to permanently appear offline.
Thank you very much.
Techyv is a very helpful site.