When I opened my Turbo C (Structured Programming Language) software in windows 7 operating system for programming.
By default, Turbo C window opens as a smaller size.
Then I try to make it full screen by using the key combination Alt+Enter, but it gets failed to open in Full Screen.
This is my uploaded image,
This system does not support fullscreen mode.
Please help me,
Turbo C (Structured Programming Language) in Full Screen Mode Error
Hello Elzuine Elvaan.
This isn't exactly a solution to help you get Turbo C working full screen on you Windows 7 computer. Turbo C was made for DOS. It works okay from Windows 3.1 until Windows 98 because those Windows version still have DOS running underneath. But starting with Windows Me up to Windows 7, there is no more DOS. The full screen is the least of your problems. Being a DOS application, it runs very slow and uses up a lot of CPU cycles under Windows 7.
With all the disadvantages of using an outdated C IDE, I advise you to replace it with a more updated IDE for C/C++ – one that is designed for use in the more recent versions of Windows.
I personally use Bloodshed Dev-C++ 5 (http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html).
Another IDE is Visual C++ Express from Microsoft.