Twitter pin error received while trying to generate a link

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am using Windows OS and trying to generate a link for the security reasons but I receive the error message when I attempt to do this act. Why am I getting this unknown error? Can you provide me the reasonable advice to fix this? Thanks for everything.

PIN Error

A problem was encountered while generating the link to get the Twitter PIN:

There is an error getting your PIN.

Answered By 0 points N/A #182608

Twitter pin error received while trying to generate a link


Hi Veronica,

You are probably getting this error message because Twitter might be making some updates or changes in their APIs. I suggest you wait for a day's time and try to generate the pin once more. If that does not work, try using another workstation to generate the pin. It should work between the two of these workarounds.

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