Type of printer in Information Technology

Hi Irfan
I am not very sure on what you are looking for
Anyways i can summarize below types of printers, which are widely used in Information Technology
Please have a look to see whether it can help you
Daisy Wheel Printer – Old Printer derived from type writer
Dot Matrix Printer – Standard Printer using dots/pixels to represent characters
Laser Printer – Toner based
LED Printer – Toner based
Inkjet Printer – Liquid inject technology
Solid Ink Printer – Photo copy technology used
Dye Printer – Dye sublimation technology used
Thermal Printer – Inkless Printers
UV Printer – Similar to LED printer using UV light
Hi Irfan
There are many types of computers based on differences in technology. Printers can be categorized as follows:
– Toner -based printers: Are actually Laser printers that use Xerographic technology.
– Liquid Inkjet printers: These printers operate by propelling small sized droplets of liquid ink on the page.
– Solid Inkjet printers: These printers use a thermal transfer technology.
– Dye-sublimation printers: These kinds of printers use heat to transfer dye to another medium such as page or plastic card.
– Inkless printers: These printers do not use ink for printing. They use the thermal and UV technology.
– Daisy wheel printers: These printers function on the principle of typewriters.
– Dot-Matrix printers: In this kind of printer, small dots of ink are used to form a larger image.
– Line Printers: This kind of printer prints an entire line of text at one time.
– Pen-based Plotters: It used the vector graphics technology and operates by moving a pen on surface of paper.